The Challenges of Operating a Nephrology Practice

Nephrology: Diagnosis: Chronic kidney disease, diabetic kidney disease, End-Stage Renal Disease. Biometric/Activities being monitored: Activity, Blood pressure, Weight, Glucose, Pain scoring, Medication compliance, Physiological symptom survey engine with threshold and alert management capabilities. Types of Services: PCM – Principle Care Management CCM – Chronic Disease Management RPM – Remote Patient Monitoring RTM – Remote Therapy Management Wellness Nutrition Barriers to Adequate Nephrology Management Potential factors that could negatively impact proper chronic kidney disease management for your patients: Chronic kidney diseases require extensive and extended care that quickly adds up the bills resulting in patients avoiding the hospital care system altogether. Due to the comorbid nature of CKD, its care management requires constant collaboration between members of different healthcare teams. This is not always possible due to time constraints, differing work schedules, and other reasons resulting in poor service. Discrepancies in following standard CKD guidelines across various departments due to a lack of proper technology to update the latest test results, diagnosis, prescriptions, and diet charts on time. Various reasons like disabling pain, professional commitments, lack of funds, and similar factors hinder a patient’s ability to visit the hospital premises frequently–as is necessary for CKD care. Various Studies Conclude Virtual Care Improves Nephrology Outcomes Several primary studies and systematic reviews conclude that virtual care services yield better or comparable results to traditional chronic kidney care management services. VCM makes Nephrology Chronic Care Management(CCM) more accessible, faster, and robust. It addresses patient complaints and concerns on time by ensuring coordination between various medical departments. Patients can call or contact their primary care provider via phone, minimize their symptoms, keep their medical bills in check, and improve their quality of life. Increased engagement with virtual care providers also improves patient compliance with care plans. Nephrologists can rely on technology to provide live counseling sessions, interact 1:1 with their patients, educate them to make informed choices, and ensure timely medical intervention with live updates of physiological symptoms relayed via virtual clinical threshold and alert management systems. WHY SmartCare 360? Improve Patient Outcomes Virtual Care Management systems allow patients with kidney diseases to have more facetime with doctors, facilitate home treatment, flexible appointment scheduling and easy follow-up, and also optimize a Nephrologist’s time and resources. Everything from the patient’s medical therapy, drug intake, nutrition, and exercise to behavioral practices is significantly improved with virtual care services. Create Profitable Revenue RPM reduces expenses and increases overall revenue by providing real-time data, offering improved care delivery, and avoiding potential complications. MRG Health’s all-inclusive wellness program can boost your bottom line by $10,000/month for every 400 patients. Cost Effective for Patients Virtual Care services provide more affordable options for patients with kidney diseases than traditional services. Say goodbye to huge bills that add up right from getting a consultation with a Nephrologist to utilizing care services. Physicians adopting RPM also qualify for special government grants that offset care costs and add to the profits. Give us a call at 1-855-MRG-5333or SCHEDULE AN ASSESSMENT Today