Get to know us,
Your new Partners in Care
Meet our family of committed medical and operational experts ready to take on your challenges and help you build the office of your dreams. We’ve helped hundreds of organizations like yours find a tailored suite of real-time solutions that leverage great technology into better patient outcomes. Let’s have a conversation about what’s possible for you and your staff.
Our Alliances and Accolades
Who We Serve:
There are 10,000 Americans per day turning 65 years old. Chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million people or more than 40% of the total population with over 80 million having multiple conditions, 7 out of 10 deaths in the U.S. are due to chronic diseases, and people with chronic diseases only receive 56% of recommended healthcare services.
Within hospital systems that tend to be delayed & fragmented there are over $60 Billion in post-acute care expenditures, $26 Billion in readmission costs, and $300 Billion annually spent on noncompliance in the U.S.
Imagine if you have a family member with flip phone with hypertension or diabetes that had NO home internet or wifi and you could see whether or not they took their blood pressure or glucose and what the actual reading is. Or if you could monitor 200 patients’ medication compliance, biometric vitals, activity, and other data points with one ONLY virtual care representative.